Hats off to the ladies of Ascot!


The once strict regulations of the ascot ladies day seems to have relaxed a little this year giving way to some outlandish fashion! Some funky fascinators some happening hats and some err interesting works of art!

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Some ladies thought it was all about size! with large ornate headdresses with brightly dyed ostrich and pheasant feathers. (not sure how much of the races the lady on the left actually saw!) Others opted for quirky little numbers.

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Some ladies attracted attention for all the wrong reason though hats off to the milliners who made those concoctions stay upright!

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For me these ladies wore the best hats by far!  Pure class! Large hats in pastle colours work because their striking without being an eyesaw.  Red suits everyone teamed with white and black equals pure elegence.

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And it wasn’t just the men who went all out for Ascot this year, I’m loving the peacock top hat it takes a real man to wear that many sequins!

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And who better to finish with then her majesty who looked beautifully demur in her colour coded pieces.