As well as pre made hats N.Joy.Millinery offers a commissions option.
This means we can make a hat to match your specific outfit. You could show us the outfit you have in mind and let us come up with an idea. Or if you want to be part of the creative input you could work with us to create your very own design.
It’s an exciting process that makes sure no one will ever have a hat like yours.
“My hat was a great success admired by all!”
“N.Joy.Millinery did a fantastic job!”
“I loved wearing it so much I didn’t take it off all day!”
‘I loved every minute of wearing it. Thank-you so very much for making me feel so amazing!’
“My hat is fab! I love it! It is just what I asked for and the best thing is no one has one the same! It is made really well with such care, and I am so pleased with it!”
“A beautiful piece of ‘Joy’ made just for me”